Flex or Grid?
Which layout tool should you use?
Which layout tool should you use?
Can you hear? This site does something unique for the HTML order and screen readers.
What tools I've used to build this site.
My mom has Alzheimer's and I've compiled a list of things I've done to help make the day to day experience a little easier.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. Wishing you a meaningful 2022 filled with levity, and fulfillment, and growth.
Set up a website using Network Solutions as your domain name provider and Netlify as your hosting provider.
I added code blocks to my site with markdown but I had to figure out how to make them responsive and accessible.
Once I had a logo design on paper, I had to actually translate that paper to code to make a logo I could use on my site.
I've attempted to hide my email address from bots using some clever JS, but still make it available to most humans.
I follow an awesome graphic designer on tiktok who inspired me to make a logo using the letters in my first name.